Yesterday as I was enjoying a walk around one of the many lakes here in Minnesota, I saw four robins all together. I took this as a very good sign because I have never seen four robins all at once in the spring of the year. It is a time of rejuvination and new hope. It can also be a time of reflection because the school year is beginning to wind down. Help students to reflect on all they have accomplished this year and make lists of the successes you have experienced together as a class. Remind students of how much they have learned, and how much they are able to accomplish. Along with doing this, I would also remind my students that their brains are marvelous and they can recall information for the upcoming assessments. They just need to breath and allow themselves time to think. Here are some tips for testing:

  1. Teach students to use the process of elimination. 
  2. Practice this together.
  3. Practice the powerful tools of look back, think, and prove.
  4. Teach students what it means to “take your time”.
  5. Breathe. Always.

All the best to you and your students and remember Spring has sprung!

Dr. Jacqueline Krohn
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