Teaching Sage Blog: An Apple a Day…

Social Gardening I live in a urban neighborhood that is quiet and full of flowers. Gardens are quite prevelant in my neck of the woods and neighbors are often working outside tackling weeds, preening plants, and watering. I love to garden and find peace and serenity...

Polishing Stars…Heart and Soul

Many people in education have most likely heard of, or read the poem, The Star Polisher by Leah Becks. This poem stresses the responsibility of teachers to “polish” and brighten those stars (students) entering school on the first day.  As I thought about polishing...

Spring has sprung!

Yesterday as I was enjoying a walk around one of the many lakes here in Minnesota, I saw four robins all together. I took this as a very good sign because I have never seen four robins all at once in the spring of the year. It is a time of rejuvination and new hope....
Dr. Jacqueline Krohn
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