Social Gardening

I live in a urban neighborhood that is quiet and full of flowers. Gardens are quite prevelant in my neck of the woods and neighbors are often working outside tackling weeds, preening plants, and watering. I love to garden and find peace and serenity when out among the plants and flowers. Another joy with gardening, is greeting my neighbors and chatting over the fence. It is so fulfilling just to be able to greet my friends and discuss any number of topics.

Last summer of course, was one of isolation and although there was gardening and people outside, there were only waves and quick greetings. I found this very difficult and disappointing. I know that this past year has been so difficult for people around the world, particularly for the chlldren. They have spent a year online, away from personal contact except for their immediate family.

As a parent, and educator, I wonder how this lack of socializtion will play out as we think about moving to a new normal in which we can be in school buildings again. Socialization is a key component of going to school. But as a teacher of many years, I know that when establishing routines, one can never assume anything. It is possible that socialization skills will have to be taught (for those attending school in person for the first time), or re-taught. It will take time, and patience. I believe these are two things we have all learned to consider during 2020. We can utilize these skills as we consider helping our children get reaquainted with friends, and how to socialize. 

Dr. Jacqueline Krohn
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