“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” C.G. Jung

No matter how you slice it in education, ALL of us has a part in either the success or failure of our schools. It is so easy to point the finger elsewhere but in reality, as individuals, we must slowly look at the slices of how we contribute to that success or failure. Every single one of us plays a role. And YES, there are laws, there are policies, and certain systems that must be followed; and of course those that do not seem to have specific rationale. Still, we have the opportunity and the urgency to look within ourselves. Of course there are things happening that are out of our control, but they are not happening to us as individuals. Mostly, it is a systemic thing, and although we are a part of that system, we CHOOSE what to become. We can put it down to that’s someone else’s problem, or we can take control of what we can, changing what we can, and improving what we can…not only for our own sanity, but for the sake of our students. No matter how you slice it, there is only one person we can control and that person has a lot of good work to do!

Dr. Jacqueline Krohn
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