In an earlier post, I wrote that I work part-time at a prominent garden center; specifically, for the spring season. I really enjoy working there, because I get to work a cash register. I get a discount on flowers for my garden, and I work with the friendliest people. What I have learned is that it is always important to make the customer feel welcomed, valued, and acknowledged. I watch and listen to all of the veteran employees as they continuously do this for customers – even when it may be a bit frustrating! They are so kind, and so will to help out with whatever is needed. I am with people who laugh, joke, and work really hard. They are knowledgeable and patient.

I think it would be helpful to have these lessons be a part of our teacher training programs. We work hard to acknowledge parents, students, colleagues…but I wonder if they always feel valued and welcomed. It might worth it to consider treating students, parents, other visitors and patrons of our schools as one would expect to be treated as a customer at the local garden center.

First published – 6/20/17

Dr. Jacqueline Krohn
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